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The Parishes of Kilrea and Tamlaght O'Crilly
By J.W. Kernohan, M.A.
A: Muster Roll (circa 1630) of British men on the Mercer's Estate.
- Thomas Church
- Valentyne Hartup
- Lewis Boyer
- George Church
- Richard Miller
- Richard Miller (junr.)
- Edward Cary
- William Stotesbury
- Thomas Church, junr.
- Humfrey Joanes
- Thomas Hudson
- Richard Goodwin
- Thomas Brame
- William Gessen
- John Wilson
- Richard Michell
- Richard Drayton
- Gilbert Brox
- Alexander Wray
- Samuel Darwin
- John Stebrank
- John North
- Richard Avery (elder)
- Richard Avery (younger)
- Thomas Corbet
- William Goodman (elder)
- Valentyne Bradford
- Thomas Cox
- James Taylor
- John M'Coy
- George Camell
- Thomas Hitchins
- Ralph Bartely
- Thomas Rowley
- John Didicot
- Dennis Weredy (O'Redy)
- Thomas Short
- John Grene
- Thomas M'ffarlin
- Willian Smart
- Thomas Gyles (elder)
- John Stanup
- William Doggin
- Leonard Vincent
- John Clenton
- William Mathers
- John Michell
- Thomas Barnes
- Thomas Barteyn
- William Hingson
- Robert Ellis
- Brian Strabridg
- William Goodman (younger)
- Henry Cock
- John Blanchet
- Alexander Camell
- Robert Camell
- Henry Birch
- John Chambers
- Hugh O'Cane
- John Bene
- William Buckle
- Thomas Smith
- Arthur Irwin
- John Medley
- Robert Wilkinson
- John Brocter
- Thomas Gyles (younger)
- James Parson
- Murto Flyn
- John Hitchins
- Edward Norton
- Thomas Turner
- Thomas Grahams
- William Graham
- Andrew Gordon
- Richard Collins
- Edward Ellis
- George Moore
- Richard Dragford
- Francis Clynton
- William Hitchins
- Thomas Steward
- John Clark
- Edward Westen
- Rowland Allen
- John M'Connell
B: Names of the persons who paid Hearth Tax in Kilrea Parish in 1663.
The numbers in brackets indicate the number of hearths where householders were rated for more than one:-
- Thomas Bunbrie (4)
- Thomas Church (3)
- Charles Church (3)
- Robert Cambell
- Donnell Cambell
- John Cambell
- Robert Magnygrave
- Hugh O'Reddy
- William Pattent
- Edward Cocke
- James Smith
- Donaghy MacReddy
- Brian MacCotter
- John Read
- Archibald Cambell
- Thos. Grills (2)
- Knogher Fallune
- Robert Lathum
- Wm. Mack Fuch
- Richard Vaws
- John Clinton
- Matthew Robinson
- Alexander Wallis
- Nicholas Bell
- Robert M'Clenaghan
- Robert Bennete (4)
- Robert Henry
- Wm. Sloan.
C: Names of those rated for Hearth Tax in Tamlaght O'Crilly Parish in 1663
with names of Townlands
- Lisogrott - Henry Willoughby
- Lismoyle - John M'Fall, Daniel M'Fall, Owen Toyle, Hugh M'Ward.
- Killygollib - Donnel O'Hagan, Manur Mannuly, Multagh O'Kessiday, Brian O'Trolan.
- Drumsara - Brian O'Cahan, Hugh M'Cotter, John Simpson, Hugh Winner
- Clanown - Henry Winner, John Miller
- Killemuck - William O'Creely, Conn O'Neale, Daniel O'Finley, James Watch
- Drummilish - George Owen (One half of Drummilish waste.)
- Drumlane - Edward Mandley, Robert Meeker.
- Drumacanan - Brian Mulhallan, Owen MacPeake.
- Drumard - Wm. M'Connell, Daniel MacPeake.
- Drumedan - Druimean - Alex. Rea, John Rea, Thomas Rea.
- Bovedy - Donoghy O'Quigge, Edmd. O'Madigan, Revellin M'Annely, Tirlo M'Neece.
- GortmcRean - Art M'Rannell, Dermoyt M'Lare, Tirlo M'Ilduff, Owen O'Flina.
- Donnagarvan - Wm. Collins, Henry Collins, John Johnstoune.
- Ballynean - Henry O'Donnell, Art O'Henry, Richd. Landy, Hugh O'Quiggan, Danl. M'Erlyn, Hugh oge M'Tamny, Art O'Henry.
- Tionee - Patk. O'Maddigan, Hugh boy O'Henry, John Adams.
- Tioney - Hugh boy Shield.
- Monyshalin - Dermoyt O'Diamond, Henry O'Drummond, Art O'Henry.
- BalliM'Peak - Waste.
- Munistehan - Owen O'Mullan, James O'Mullan.
- Eden - Teage O'Henrann, Owen O'Henrann, Patrick Mulhallan.
- Teveconwe - Toll O'Neill.
Appendix D: Protestant householders in Kilrea Parish in 1740:
- James Henry
- widow Lilly
- widow Parrot
- Robert M'Camly
- Hugh m'Alshanog
- Law. Collence
- James Boyd
- Mr. Sampson
- James Money
- Chas. Clinton
- James Candor
- John Sherer
- James Cally
- Frans Clinton
- John m'Cay
- Con O' Donnell
- Eliz. Gibson
- Willm. Brown
- John Brown
- Robt. Orr
- Willm. Cample
- widow Smirl
- Mary m'Tagart
- Hester M'Colgan
- Willm. Wallace
- Hugh Bamfart
- John Collins
- James Canders
- Frans. Cahan
- John Money
- John o'Dempsey
- Mary m'Lane
- John m'Mullan
- widow Jemison
- Neal Brown
- widow m'Ready
- James m'Gee
- Richd. O'Cahan
- Galland Griffin
- Willm Boeman
- Eliz. Richison
- Robt. Shearer
- Thos. Anderson
- Dan m'Lean
- John Henry
- Chas. Williamson
- John m'Carrell
- Mary m'Caul
- Neal o'Money
- Willm. Burrel
- Jane Watson
- James o'Cogherty
- Anne Bryars
- John m'Kei
- Chas. M'Cart
- Will M'Cart
- Robt. Cook
- John Henry
- Henry Henry
- widow Medley
- John Cahan
- widow Mulholland
- Neal o'Money
- Frans. Boylan
- Willm. Warren
- John m'Cammon
- widow Smirl
- Neal m'Cotter
- Bryan m'Cotter
- Donoghy m'Cotter
- William Hunter
- Saml. M'Cahay
- George Neiland
- Willm. Lee
- James Campble
- John Smirl
- Saml. Davison
- Hugh Woods
- Bryan m'Cotter
- Donaghy m'Cotter
- Willm. Hunter
- Saml. M'Cahay
- Geo. Neiland
- Willm. Lee
- James Campble
- John Smirl
- Saml. Davison
- Hugh Woods
- Bryan m'Cotter
- Darby m'Cotter
- Richard Campble
- wid'w Feary
- wid'w Clark
- Alex Clerk
- John o'Diamond
- Patk. o'Mallican
- Mrs. Bell
- John m'Cully
- John Boman
- Ferral o'Kennan
- John Walker
- David Walker
- Patk. m'Grah
- Richd. Clerk
- John Baldridge
- David Sloan
- widow Clements
- John m'Ashannog
- widow Church
- Donaghy o'Mullaghan
- Danl. m'Cammon
- Jas. Mitchel
- Thos. Mitchel
- Solomon Brown
- Jas. Sloan
- James Erwin
- John M'Neal
- George Liggett
- Saml. Kidd
- widow m'Mighen
- Robert m'Gregor
- Saml. M'Almoyle
- Dan m'Gregor
- James m'Carg
- Willm. Kilpatrick
- Willm. Reed
- John Reed
- David Campble
- Margt Dumbar
- James Blainey
- Danl. m'Cay
- John Wilson
- John Barber
- Neice m'Calem
- Cork m'Cay
- Lauglin Blaney
- John m'Alester
- Adam Dickey
- Robt. Gordon
- Robt. Erwin
- John Henry
- Rich. Brazier
- Neal m'Cay
- Phiy. O'Henry
- Jane m'Aleester
- Neal m'Michel
- John m'Michel
- widow m'Cay
- John m'Cay
- Danl. Blaney
- Neal m'Cay
- James Norris
- Willm. Anderson
- David Erwin
- widow Sloan
- Patk. Campble
- Willlm. Snipe
- John Erwin
- John Crafford
- John Dunbar
- Josh. Grahan
- widow m'Kinly
- widow m'Conagh
- Jane Graham
- Patk. o'Dichon
- David Campble
- Aron Gordon
- John Campble
- Nichs. Dorothy
- Sam Gordon
- John m'Aleester
- Mrs. Young
- Chas. M'Allester
- Thos. m'Ateer
- Patk. m'Allester
- James Bay
- John Mulholland
- Aron Workman
- widow o'Diamond
Appendix E: Protestant householders in Tamlaght O'Crilly Parish in 1740:
- Thos. Church
- Tole m'Allester
- Danl. m'Allester
- John Brannan
- Willm. Campble (sic)
- Robt. Campble
- James Killpatrick
- James Maberry
- James Karny
- John Maberry
- Richd. Maberry
- John Crosly
- Mark Carr
- John Murry
- John m'Laughlin
- Tage o'Murry
- Randle m'Alester
- Patk. Orr
- Danl. m'Allin
- Hugh o'Diamond
- James Wilson
- widow Hamilton
- Jas. Williamson
- Hugh Hill
- Ninion Smith
- Willm. Hill
- George Akin
- Adam Hill
- Thos. Madikin
- James m'Nickle
- John m'Nickle
- Rose m'Gulpin
- Wm. Collins
- Archd. M'Alhphatrick (sic)
- John Martin
- John m'Clemont
- Richd. Gardiner
- James Collins
- Willm. Collins
- Robt. Willy
- John o'Neal
- John Cox
- Willm. Cox
- James Gillmore
- John Campble
- James Williamson
- Patk. Mulloy
- John m'Peak
- Widow Mulloy
- James Creely
- Danl. Margy
- Shan. o'Quin
- Art o'Quin
- John Caskey
- Saml. Boulton
- John Boyd
- widow Casky
- Danl. Stuart
- John Moylany
- John Scott
- John Casky
- Thos. Stuart
- Willm. Boulton
- widow Boulton
- Mary Blair
- John Stuart
- John Campble
- Edwd. Cox
- John m'Lain
- Robt. Campble
- Richard Campble
- Patk. Mulholland
- Art Mulholland
- James Richey
- Peter Tochel
- Willm. Stuart
- Allen Stuart
- John m'Randle
- Shan m'Randle
- Alexander Turner
- Robert Wallace
- Willm. Hart
- Thos m'Killip
- widow m'Cart
- widow m'Killip
- Willm. m'Kaghy
- Robert Withorow
- Randle m'Alester
- James m'Connell
- Dinis m'Cay
- John Willy
- John m'Cahan
- James m'Cahan
- Josh Willy
- John Faulkner
- Willm. Turner
- Carby m'Cann
- John Campble
- widow m'Allary
- Danl. m'Allary
- James m'Keenan
- widow m'Randle
- Shan m'Allary
- Juggy Kenedy
- Dorothy Kenedy
- Willm. Kenedy
- Jas. Begly
- Willm. Begly
- Richd. Craford
- John o'Mullan
- widow m'Ready
- Neal m'Cotter
- John m'Allary
- Frans. Starret
- Tole o'Cain
- Hugh Glasgow
- Patk. O'Quin
- widow Davison
- Neal o'Neil
- James Graham
- Hester Laudden
- Robt. m'Cormick
- Patk. m'Duffe
- John Woods
- Chas. M'Laughlin
- Danl. Downing
- Wilm. Catherwood
- James Hinds
- Chas. Richy
- John m'Kaghy
- Willm. Johnston
- Willm. Fleming
- Robert Campbell (sic)
- John m'Donnell
- widow m'Kay
- Bryan m'Gill
- widow m'Gill
- James Miller
- John Mark
- Willm. Bole
- James m'Cartney
- Huy Bay
- Henry m'Gill
- Danl. m'Peak
- James m'Kaghy
- John Fleming
- John Rea
- John Miller
- Andw. Cochran
- James m'Curtney
- Robert Henderson
- John Bay
- John Murdoch
- David Long
- Robt. Miller
- Robt. Workman
- John Kelsy
- John m'Dearmont
- Danl. m'Peake
- Hugh m'Peake
- George m'Kaghy
- John m'Kaghy
- widow Blair
- Danl. m'Kaghy
- Hugh Crafford
- Chas. Kairnan
- Archd. m'Kaghy
- Art o'Henry
- Roger m'Lairn
- Cork o'Henry
- widow Gilmore
- Willm. m'Tammy
- widow Campble
- Nathl. Marks
- John Miliken
- widow m'Neal
- Neal m'Peake
- Hugh Henry
- Willm. Sturgeon
- Richd. Shaw
- Robt. Clements
- widow Hevern
- Alex. Duncan
- Andw. Lorimer
- James Mulholland
- widow Mullan
- Robt. Smith
- Frans. Smith
- Edmd. o'Dichon
- Patk. o'Keenan
- Henry Lennox
- Hugh Glasgow
- Hugh Allice
- James m'Cullough
- James Knox
- James m'Cleland
- Patk. m'Veagh
- Patk. m'Fadden
- Thomas Rainy
- Eneas Welsh
- Samuel Hasty
- Willm. Hasty
- James Neal
- widow Henry
- Tage m'Lain
- James Laughlin
- John Murphy
- James Murphy
- Josh. Laughlin
- Alex Huey
- John Willson
- John Neal
- Willm. m'Mullan
- John Huey
- John Reed
- John m'Caa
- James m'Caa
- Robt. Orr
- John o'Ferral
- James Hilton
- Willm. Stuart
- Frans. Reed
- Chas. Orr
- Chars. m'Kaghy
- Nichs. Bert
- Manus m'Peake
- John o'Boylan
- Bryan m'Peecke
- John Mulholland
- Neal o'Diamond
- Willm. Mulholland
- Jas. m'Calen
- David Mulholland
- James Mulholland
- Mrs. Mulholland
- widow m'Peak
- Mrs. Mulholland
- neal m'Kee
- widow Raleagh
- Patrick o'Rallaghan
- Hugh Walker
- Danl. Shaw
- Patk. Dorethy
- Willm. Gilmore
- widow Banintin
- Robt. Stuart
- Alex Mott
- Danl. Workman
- Adam Blair
- Thos. Roe
- George Polike
- John Polike
- Alexr. Kelly
- James Sim
- Willm. Sloan
- widow Mulholland
- John Taylor
- John Young
- Wm. Young
- Willm. m'Caa
- Robt. Graham
- Fras. Roe
- Jas. Gibson
- Willm. Workman
- widow m'Cullough
- Bryan Black
- Jas. Stuart
- Danl. m'Conoghy
- John Gilmore
- Mr. m'Lain
- Willm. Wilson
- James Taylor
- John Taylor
- John Workman
- Nees o'Kenny
- Cola m'A'Tamny
- Patk. m'A'Tamny
- John o'Daly
- James Pattan
- James Reid
- Roger o'Henry
- James Tagart
- Neal m'A'Terr
- Dunc. m'Annuller
- George French
- Patk. o'Mullan
- Chas m'Lain
- Henry m'Anular
- Edwd. Cox
- Nees o'Henry
- Mr. Worling
- Patk. o'Murry
- Alexr. m'Alester
- Art o'Neal
- Allen Woods
- Mary Simon
- James Woods
- Hugh Young
- Robert Smith
- Willm. Rea
- Margt. Johnston
- Robt. Clerk
- James Smith
- Alexr. Rea
- James Rea
- John Rea
- George Rea
- John Bell
I have a Rental of the Mercers' Estate drawn up in 1814, which is too long for reproduction here.
I am also indebted to Mr. S. E. Smythe-Edwards for Rentals (1791) of neighbouring townlands not included in the Mercers' Estate, for which his grandfather was agent:- Drumnacannon, Drumoolish, Drumlane, Moyegney, Drumane, Gortmacrane, Killygullib, and others.
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First published: 28th Nov, 2001.
© 2001-2025 Richard John Torrens.
Page's Author: Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: 2024