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Adams, Archd. | 45 |
Aghadowey | 17, 23, 24, 54, 58 |
Agivey | 6 |
American Colonies | 20 |
Andrew, Alex. | 26 |
Antrim | 40 |
Armagh Abbey | 6 |
Ashbourne, Sophia | 38 |
Atkins, George | 29 |
Atkinson, John | 29 |
Backwoods | 11 |
Baird, Robert | 26 |
Ballantine, John | 29 |
Ballymoney | 17, 27, 45, 58 |
Bann | 7, 11, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 45, 46, 53, 54 |
Belfast | 39 |
Bell, John | 29 |
Bellingham, Wm. | 29 |
Bennett, Robert | 19 |
Bicknell, Mr. | 50 |
Blair, David | 29 |
Blair, John | 45 |
Boston | 24 |
Bovagh | 32 |
Boveedy | 24, 27, 56, 57, 58, 59 |
Boyd, Rev. T. | 54 |
Boyd, Rev. W. | 24 |
Boyle, Wm. | 29 |
Bradley, John | 45 |
Bristol, Earl of | 37 |
Bromley, Thomas | 11 |
Brown, Solomon | 29 |
Brown, Wm. | 45 |
Burns, W.H. | 26 |
Campbell, Archd. | 29 |
Campbell, David | 29 |
Campbell, Daniel | 28, 44 |
Campbell, James | 28, 29 |
Campbell, John | 29, 58 |
Campbell, Robert | 19 |
Canning | 7, 16, 21, 53, 57 |
Carey, Mr. | 58 |
Caruthers, Thomas | 29 |
Cary, John | 29 |
Caskey, John | 44 |
Castledawson | 20, 24 |
Catherwood, Thomas | 44 |
Catherwood, Wm. | 29, 44 |
Caulfield, Sir Toby | 7 |
Churches, The | 35 |
Church Family | 16, 17, 18, 19, 27, 29 |
Clandonnells | 7, 10 |
Clark, James | 29 |
Clark, Wm. | 58 |
Clarke, Alex. | 50 |
Clements, Hill | 43 |
Clerk, Rev. Matthew | 54, 59, 60 |
Clinton, Fras. | 27, 28 |
Clutterbuck, Rev. L. | 28, 35 |
Clutterbuck, R. | 35 |
Cochran, R. | 58 |
Cofton, Wm. | 10 |
Colhoun, Rev. J. | 44 |
Coleraine | 15, 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 35, 45, 58 |
Collins, Hill | 43 |
Collins, Rev. Richd. | 16, 35 |
Collins, Wm. | 29 |
Companies & Charles I | 14 |
Cox, E. | 29 |
Cox, John | 29 |
Cox, Robert | 29 |
Cox, Wm. | 29 |
Craig, Alex. | 44 |
Craig, Thomas | 29 |
Crawford, John | 29 |
Crockton, John | 29 |
Cromwell | 16, 18 |
Crossland | 64 |
Cumming, Rev. A. | 59 |
Davison, Samuel | 29 |
Demsey, John | 29 |
Denham, Rev. W. | 64 |
Derry | 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 39 |
Desertoghill | 10, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57 |
Dickey, Rev. J. | 44 |
Dixon | 11 |
Douthit, John | 26 |
Downpatrick | 38 |
Drumagarner Manse | 60 |
Drumagarner | 35 |
Drumcroon | 26 |
Drumimeric Flow | 34 |
Dunbar, John | 29 |
Dunbar, Joseph | 29 |
Duncan, James | 28, 29 |
Dunglady | 12 |
Dunlap, Sam | 29 |
Early Settlers | 69 |
Education | 43, 66 |
Edwards, Nich. | 20 |
Elder, Rev. J. | 61 |
Ellis, Henry | 28, 29 |
Emigration | 22, 23, 24, 25, 58 |
Enniskillen | 22 |
Errigal | 53, 55, 56 |
Established Church, | 14, 23 |
Falahogey | 19 |
Falconer, James | 29 |
Farmer, James | 29 |
Famine | 25 |
Farley, Rev. W.J. | 44 |
Ferrier, John | 45 |
Forge Lough | 20 |
Franciscan Friar | 14 |
Froude | 25 |
Gallagher, Rev. A. | 44 |
Galland, Mr. Wm. | 26 |
Galt, Miss | 39 |
Garvagh | 7, 38, 45, 53, 61 |
Geddestown | 38 |
Gilchrist, Rev. W. | 21, 54, 55 |
Giles, Thomas | 19 |
Gilmer, Wm. | 61 |
Gilmore, Rev. James | 65 |
Gilmore, John | 64 |
Glenconkein | 7 |
Goodwin, Robert | 9 |
Gordon, David | 56, 58 |
Gortmacrane | 7 |
Grahams | 12 |
Graham, Watty | 67 |
Granaghan | 12 |
Grant, Richard | 29 |
Gregor, Robert | 19 |
Guillotine at Kilrea | 30 |
Hamill, Hugh | 43 |
Hamilton, Will | 29 |
Hartop, Valentine | 11 |
Hasleton, John | 42 |
Hasty, James | 44 |
Hearth-money Rolls | 70 |
Henderson, John | 29, 45, 47 |
Henry, Hugh | 27 |
Henry, James | 27, 29, 42, 60 |
Henry, Robert | 26, 58 |
Heron, Rev. James | 41 |
Hervey Hill | 37 |
Heyland, Captain | 32, 68 |
Heylin, Peter | 13 |
Hill, John | 29 |
Hill, Robb | 58 |
Hill, Rev. W. J. | 66 |
Hinman, Alex. | 58 |
Historic Pump | 46 |
Hodgins | 20 |
Hogg, Samuel | 29 |
Holmes, Captain R. | 23 |
Holmes, Thomas | 24 |
Holywood | 38 |
Houston, Daniel | 29 |
Hudson, John | 10 |
Hudson, Thomas | 10 |
Huey, Robert | 42, 58 |
Hughey, John | 42 |
Hutchinson | 35 |
Hutchinson, Wm. | 29 |
Ironmongers | 17 |
Jackson | 19 |
Jamieson, Robert | 29 |
Johnston, James | 50 |
Kane, Fras. | 28, 29 |
Kelly, John | 29 |
Kelso | 22, 42 |
Kelsy, Alex. | 29 |
Kelsy, James | 28 |
Kennedy, Hugh | 42 |
Kerr, Daniel | 58 |
Kerr, James | 42 |
Kerr, Mark | 29 |
Kerr, Robert | 19 |
Killygullib | 37 |
Kilpatrick, Adam | 29 |
Kilpatrick, Samuel | 29 |
Knox, Rev. | 37 |
Landmore | 17 |
Laughlin, James | 29 |
Law, John | 53 |
Lilly, John | 58 |
Linen Trade | 33, 49, 64 |
Lislea | 38 |
Lismoyle | 59 |
Lisnagrot | 31, 38, 39 |
Livingston, Daniel | 43 |
Londonderry | 59 |
Londonderry, N.H. | 24, 58 |
Long, David | 28 |
M'Allister, Edw. | 29 |
M'Allister, John | 28, 29 |
M'Allister, Lawrence | 28, 29 |
M'Allister, Thomas | 29 |
M'Cartney, John | 36 |
M'Cahon, Henry | 44 |
M'Cahon, Robt. | 44 |
M'Cammon, Rev. J | 43 |
M'Camphill | 38 |
M'Cart, James | 29 |
M'Cartney, James | 28, 29 |
Macaulay, Rev. M. | 64 |
Macaulay, Robert | 29 |
M'Cay, Duncan | 29 |
M'Cay, John | 29 |
M'Cleery, R. | 50 |
M'Closker, John | 45 |
Macosquin | 24 |
M'Fadden, R. | 46 |
M'Gill, Sir John | 21, 54 |
M'Gregor, James | 24, 58, 59 |
M'Gregor, Robert | 28 |
M'Ilwrath, Robert | 44 |
M'Kachan, Alex | 29 |
Mackenzie, Rev. J. | 21 |
M'Kinney, Archd. | 45 |
M'Kinney, John | 30, 45 |
M'Lean, Mr. | 54 |
M'Mahon, Rev. A. | 36, 37, 38 |
M'Mighell, John | 29 |
M'Mullan, John | 19, 29 |
Macmullin, Jane | 24 |
M'Peake, Daniel | 29 |
M'Teer, Sam | 28 |
Madden, Wm. | 45 |
Madekin | 29 |
Maghera | 30, 31, 32, 67 |
Magherafelt | 15, 21, 26 |
Magill, Rev. R. | 40 |
Maguire, P. | 50 |
Marks, John | 29 |
Marshall, Joseph | 36 |
Mather, Cotton | 24 |
Mather, Oliver | 10 |
Mayberry | 20, 21, 29 |
Mayflower | 24 |
Millar, John | 29, 58 |
Miller, Rev. A. | 26 |
Miller, Hugh | 28 |
Miller, Captain S. | 21 |
Mitchelburn, Col. | 21 |
Michell, John | 29 |
Moneygran | 6, 19 |
Moneymore | 21, 39 |
Moon, Wm. | 29 |
Mooney, Daniel | 45 |
Moore, George | 45 |
Moorhead, John | 58 |
Morrison, David | 58 |
Morrison, Hugh | 28 |
Movanagher | 7, 18, 19 |
Movanagher Castle | 9 |
Moyagney | 7, 19, 39 |
Moynock | 19, 42, 53, 57 |
Mulhallan | 52 |
Mulleney, John | 29 |
Murphy, Wm. | 29 |
Neill | 52 |
Newtownards | 19 |
O'Cahan, Roger | 26 |
O'Curran, Hugh | 10 |
O'Demon | 6 |
O'Kane | 9, 29 |
O'Neill, Brian (Carragh) | 8 |
O'Neill | 19, 10, 45, 52 |
O'Quinn, Donnell | 10 |
O'Regan, Lawrence | 45 |
Orr, Andw. | 58 |
Orr, Mr. | 33 |
Orr, Robert | 28, 29, 43 |
Owens, Hugh | 42 |
Paton, John | 58 |
Pattison, N. | 58 |
Perry, Wm. | 10 |
Phillips, Sir. T. | 9, 11, 14 |
Portglenone | 21, 45 |
Portna | 42, 46, 51, 53 |
Portna Massacre | 16 |
Presbyterianism introduced | 53 |
Puritanism | 13 |
Quin, Pat. | 45, 52 |
Rawdon, Sir A. | 21 |
Rea, Alex. | 29 |
Rea, George | 29 |
Rea, John | 29 |
Rebellion, 1641 | 15 |
Rebellion, 1798 | 30, 67 |
Reid, John | 19, 42, 58 |
Reid, J.S. | 42 |
Reid, Samuel | 42, 58 |
Reid, Thomas | 56, 58 |
Reid, William | 29 |
Restoration, The | 18 |
Revelin's Hill | 53 |
Richards, E. | 29 |
Richardson, E. | 43 |
Richey, Chas. | 29 |
Rodgers, Rev. J.M. | 41 |
Rodgers, Rev. H. W. | 39, 40 |
Rowley, Edw. | 53 |
Salters | 17, 20 |
Sampson, Arthur | 29 |
Sampson, Rev. Mich. | 27, 29, 33 |
Scott, John | 59 |
Scott, James | 28 |
Seceders | 60, 61 |
Shaw, Dan | 28 |
Shaw, John | 29 |
Shearer, Wm. | 58 |
Shute, Govr. | 24 |
Siege of Derry | 20, 55 |
Sim, James | 29 |
Sixsmith, Rev. A. E. | 26 |
Sloan, James | 29 |
Sloan, John | 29 |
Sloan, Robert | 29 |
Smirle, George | 29 |
Smirle, John | 29 |
Smith, Hugh | 29 |
Smith, James | 29 |
Smyth, Rev. J. | 37, 39, 60 |
Snipe, W. | 29 |
Speedwell | 24 |
Stark, Major | 47 |
Sterrot, James | 58 |
Stewart, Mr. A. | 19, 27, 30, 33, 38, 60 |
Stewart, Rev. A. | 13 |
Stewart, Arch | 42, 53 |
Stewart, Charles | 45 |
Stewart, Hugh | 44 |
Stewart, Rev. J. | 42 |
Stewart, James | 31 |
Stewart, John | 26, 29 |
Stewart, Robert | 28, 29 |
Stewart, Samuel | 29 |
Stirling, Arch. | 42 |
Stranahan, James | 58 |
Stuart, Margt. | 24 |
Taggart, James | 45 |
Tamlaght Church | 37 |
Test Act | 23 |
Thornton, Robert | 10 |
Tisdall, Vicar | 23 |
Toberdoney | 46 |
Topography | 6 |
Torrens, Sam | 42 |
Torrens, Rev. J. | 31 |
Trinaltinagh | 64 |
Turner, Alex | 29 |
Vernon, Ralph | 10 |
Vernon, Richd. | 10 |
Vow | 26 |
Waite, Robert | 24 |
Walker, Andw. | 29 |
Walker, Samuel | 29 |
Wallace, Hen. | 50 |
Wallace, James | 29 |
Wallace, John | 29 |
Wallace, Matth. | 29 |
Wallace, Mich. | 67 |
Wallace, Robert | 58 |
Wallace, Thos. | 29 |
Wallace, William | 29 |
Warren, Wm. | 27, 29 |
Watson, Mat | 24 |
Watters, Rev. F. | 44 |
Wauhope, Rev. W. | 40 |
Wiley, John | 42 |
Williams, Wm. | 29 |
Williams, Chas. | 10, 11, 18 |
Williams, Richd. | 29 |
Wilson, Alex | 26, 42, 58 |
Wilson of Purdysburn | 27 |
Wilson, John | 29 |
Wirling Rev. R. | 59 |
Woodburn, Geo. | 42, 56, 58 |
Woods, James | 28 |
Workman, A. | 29, 43 |
Young, Chas. | 29 |
Young, Hugh | 58 |