Family tree: Index of names

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?, Alanna
Married: Ralph Merrick Torrens
?, Monica
Married: Adrian Robert Martin Torrens
?, Unknown
Married: Sarah Monica Keeping
Children: Henry (Harry) Keeping
ARGYLL, Duke of
Children: William Campbell
BIBEREGG, Baron Rudolf Reding von (1895-1974)
Married: Eleanor Campbell
CAMPBELL, Alan John (1949-)
Parents: John "Jack" George Campbell, Margaret Betty Parker
Married: Beverly Patricia Reed, Elizabeth (Liz) Ann Collins
Children: Grant John Campbell, Bary Michael Campbell, Russel James Campbell, Owen Matthew Campbell
CAMPBELL, Bary Michael (1972-)
Parents: Alan John Campbell, Beverly Patricia Reed
Siblings: Grant John Campbell, Russel James Campbell, Owen Matthew Campbell
CAMPBELL, Charles (ca. 1836-1880)
Parents: John Campbell, Dina Lucas
Siblings: Kenneth Campbell, John Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
Children: Harold Campbell
Parents: Henry Job Campbell, Sarah Monica Keeping
Siblings: Eleanor Campbell, John "Jack" Henry Campbell, Joseph Henry Campbell
CAMPBELL, Eleanor (-ca. 1950?)
Parents: Henry Job Campbell, Sarah Monica Keeping
Siblings: Edward Campbell, John "Jack" Henry Campbell, Joseph Henry Campbell
Married: Baron Rudolf Reding von Biberegg
Parents: John Campbell, Dina Lucas
Siblings: Kenneth Campbell, John Campbell, Peter Campbell, Charles Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
CAMPBELL, Grant John (1972-)
Parents: Alan John Campbell, Beverly Patricia Reed
Siblings: Bary Michael Campbell, Russel James Campbell, Owen Matthew Campbell
Parents: Charles Campbell
CAMPBELL, Henry Job (1841-1924)
Parents: John Campbell, Dina Lucas
Siblings: Kenneth Campbell, John Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, Charles Campbell
Married: Sarah Monica Keeping
Children: Edward Campbell, Eleanor Campbell, John "Jack" Henry Campbell, Joseph Henry Campbell
CAMPBELL, Joan Mary (1920-)
Parents: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Elizabeth Rew
Siblings: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Gertrude Campbell, John "Jack" George Campbell
Married: Michael Woodiwiss, Donald Dodd
Children: Sarah Margaret Dodd, Elizabeth Dodd, Andrew Dodd
CAMPBELL, John, [1]
Parents: William Campbell
Married: Dina Lucas
Children: Kenneth Campbell, John Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, Charles Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
CAMPBELL, John, [2] (ca. 1830-1880)
Parents: John Campbell, Dina Lucas
Siblings: Kenneth Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, Charles Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
CAMPBELL, John "Jack" George (1917-2005)
Parents: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Elizabeth Rew
Siblings: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Gertrude Campbell, Joan Mary Campbell
Married: Margaret Betty Parker
Children: Alan John Campbell
CAMPBELL, John "Jack" Henry, [1] (1871?-)
Parents: Henry Job Campbell, Sarah Monica Keeping
Siblings: Edward Campbell, Eleanor Campbell, Joseph Henry Campbell
Married: Hannah Maria Gulliford
Children: Mary Ellen Campbell, Rosina Mary Campbell
CAMPBELL, Joseph Henry, [1873] (1873-1963)
Parents: Henry Job Campbell, Sarah Monica Keeping
Siblings: Edward Campbell, Eleanor Campbell, John "Jack" Henry Campbell
Married: Margaret Elizabeth Rew
Children: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Gertrude Campbell, John "Jack" George Campbell, Joan Mary Campbell
CAMPBELL, Joseph Henry, [1912] (1912-1942)
Parents: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Elizabeth Rew
Siblings: Margaret Gertrude Campbell, John "Jack" George Campbell, Joan Mary Campbell
Parents: John Campbell, Dina Lucas
Siblings: John Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, Charles Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
CAMPBELL, Margaret Gertrude (1913-2007)
Parents: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Elizabeth Rew
Siblings: Joseph Henry Campbell, John "Jack" George Campbell, Joan Mary Campbell
Married: Robert George Torrens
Children: Hugh Simon Torrens, Richard John Torrens
CAMPBELL, Mary Ellen (1902-1974)
Parents: John "Jack" Henry Campbell, Hannah Maria Gulliford
Siblings: Rosina Mary Campbell
CAMPBELL, Owen Matthew (1976-)
Parents: Alan John Campbell, Beverly Patricia Reed
Siblings: Grant John Campbell, Bary Michael Campbell, Russel James Campbell
CAMPBELL, Peter (ca. 1830-1881)
Parents: John Campbell, Dina Lucas
Siblings: Kenneth Campbell, John Campbell, George Campbell, Charles Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
CAMPBELL, Rosina Mary (1907-1980)
Parents: John "Jack" Henry Campbell, Hannah Maria Gulliford
Siblings: Mary Ellen Campbell
CAMPBELL, Russel James (1972-)
Parents: Alan John Campbell, Beverly Patricia Reed
Siblings: Grant John Campbell, Bary Michael Campbell, Owen Matthew Campbell
Parents: Duke of Argyll
Children: John Campbell
Parents: Elizabeth Dodd
COLLINS, Elizabeth (Liz) Ann (1960-)
Married: Alan John Campbell
CRUMLIN, Hugh (2011-)
Parents: Mark Crumlin, Rebecca Louise Torrens
Siblings: Paul Crumlin, Lyle Crumlin
CRUMLIN, Lyle (2016-)
Parents: Mark Crumlin, Rebecca Louise Torrens
Siblings: Hugh Crumlin, Paul Crumlin
Married: Rebecca Louise Torrens
Children: Hugh Crumlin, Paul Crumlin, Lyle Crumlin
CRUMLIN, Paul (2013-)
Parents: Mark Crumlin, Rebecca Louise Torrens
Siblings: Hugh Crumlin, Lyle Crumlin
DODD, Andrew (1958-)
Parents: Donald Dodd, Joan Mary Campbell
Siblings: Sarah Margaret Dodd, Elizabeth Dodd
DODD, Donald
Married: Joan Mary Woodiwiss (née Campbell)
Children: Sarah Margaret Dodd, Elizabeth Dodd, Andrew Dodd
DODD, Elizabeth (1961-)
Parents: Donald Dodd, Joan Mary Campbell
Siblings: Sarah Margaret Dodd, Andrew Dodd
Children: Lucy Charlotte
DODD, Sarah Margaret (1958-)
Parents: Donald Dodd, Joan Mary Campbell
Siblings: Elizabeth Dodd, Andrew Dodd
Married: Donald Fraser
Children: Rachel Fraser, Emma Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Daniel Fraser
FRASER, Daniel
Parents: Donald Fraser, Sarah Margaret Dodd
Siblings: Rachel Fraser, Emma Fraser, Thomas Fraser
FRASER, Donald
Married: Sarah Margaret Dodd
Children: Rachel Fraser, Emma Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Daniel Fraser
Parents: Donald Fraser, Sarah Margaret Dodd
Siblings: Rachel Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Daniel Fraser
FRASER, Rachel
Parents: Donald Fraser, Sarah Margaret Dodd
Siblings: Emma Fraser, Thomas Fraser, Daniel Fraser
FRASER, Thomas
Parents: Donald Fraser, Sarah Margaret Dodd
Siblings: Rachel Fraser, Emma Fraser, Daniel Fraser
GULLIFORD, Hannah Maria
Married: John "Jack" Henry Campbell
Children: Mary Ellen Campbell, Rosina Mary Campbell
HAGON, Eliza Sarah (1846-)
Married: George Rew
Children: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
HEWSON, Mary Frances (1956-)
Married: Richard John Torrens
Children: Adam James Richard John Torrens, Rachel Carolyne Anitra Torrens, Michael Joseph Peter Torrens
Parents: Mr. Jackson, Gertrude Rew
Married: Gertrude Rew
Children: David Jackson
KEEPING, Caroline
Parents: Edward Keeping, Mary Peckford
Siblings: Sarah Monica Keeping, Joseph Keeping
KEEPING, Catherine
Parents: Henry (Harry) Keeping
Siblings: Walter Keeping, Norah Keeping, Leo Keeping
KEEPING, Edward (1789-)
Married: Mary Peckford
Children: Sarah Monica Keeping, Caroline Keeping, Joseph Keeping
KEEPING, Henry (Harry)
Parents: Unknown, Sarah Monica Keeping
Children: Walter Keeping, Catherine Keeping, Norah Keeping, Leo Keeping
Parents: Edward Keeping, Mary Peckford
Siblings: Sarah Monica Keeping, Caroline Keeping
Parents: Henry (Harry) Keeping
Siblings: Walter Keeping, Catherine Keeping, Norah Keeping
Parents: Henry (Harry) Keeping
Siblings: Walter Keeping, Catherine Keeping, Leo Keeping
KEEPING, Sarah Monica (1838-1924)
Parents: Edward Keeping, Mary Peckford
Siblings: Caroline Keeping, Joseph Keeping
Married: Unknown, Henry Job Campbell
Children: Henry (Harry) Keeping, Edward Campbell, Eleanor Campbell, John "Jack" Henry Campbell, Joseph Henry Campbell
Parents: Henry (Harry) Keeping
Siblings: Catherine Keeping, Norah Keeping, Leo Keeping
Married: John Campbell
Children: Kenneth Campbell, John Campbell, George Campbell, Peter Campbell, Charles Campbell, Henry Job Campbell
MORGAN, Shirley Ruth (1949-)
Married: Hugh Simon Torrens
Children: Rebecca Louise Torrens, Ralph Merrick Torrens
PARKER, Margaret Betty (1913-2001)
Married: John "Jack" George Campbell
Children: Alan John Campbell
PECKFORD, Mary (1798-)
Parents: William Peckford, Alice Unknown
Married: Edward Keeping
Children: Sarah Monica Keeping, Caroline Keeping, Joseph Keeping
Married: Alice Unknown
Children: Mary Peckford
REED, Beverly Patricia
Married: Alan John Campbell
Children: Grant John Campbell, Bary Michael Campbell, Russel James Campbell, Owen Matthew Campbell
REW, Charles
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, David (-ca. 1915)
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, Ernest
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
Children: Kathleen Rew, James Rew, Josephine Rew
REW, George
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, George, [1] (1843-)
Married: Eliza Sarah Hagon
Children: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, Gertrude
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew
Married: Mr. Jackson
Children: David Jackson
REW, James
Parents: Ernest Rew
Siblings: Kathleen Rew, Josephine Rew
REW, John
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, Josephine
Parents: Ernest Rew
Siblings: Kathleen Rew, James Rew
REW, Kathleen
Parents: Ernest Rew
Siblings: James Rew, Josephine Rew
REW, Margaret Elizabeth (1886-1953)
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Gertrude Rew
Married: Joseph Henry Campbell
Children: Joseph Henry Campbell, Margaret Gertrude Campbell, John "Jack" George Campbell, Joan Mary Campbell
REW, Polly
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, William Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, Sarah
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, William Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
REW, William, [1]
Parents: George Rew, Eliza Sarah Hagon
Siblings: George Rew, John Rew, Polly Rew, Sarah Rew, David Rew, Ernest Rew, Charles Rew, Margaret Elizabeth Rew, Gertrude Rew
Married: Irene Unknown
SMITH, Martha (42-)
Married: Richard John Torrens
Children: Adrian Robert Martin Torrens
TORRENS, Adam James Richard (1988-)
Parents: Richard John Torrens, Mary Frances Hewson
Siblings: Rachel Carolyne Anitra Torrens, Michael Joseph Peter Torrens
TORRENS, Adrian Robert Martin (1979-)
Parents: Richard John Torrens, Martha Smith
Married: Monica
TORRENS, Hugh Simon (1940-)
Parents: Robert George Torrens, Margaret Gertrude Campbell
Siblings: Richard John Torrens
Married: Shirley Ruth Morgan
Children: Rebecca Louise Torrens, Ralph Merrick Torrens
TORRENS, Michael Joseph Peter (1995-)
Parents: Richard John Torrens, Mary Frances Hewson
Siblings: Adam James Richard John Torrens, Rachel Carolyne Anitra Torrens
TORRENS, Rachel Carolyne Anitra (1991-)
Parents: Richard John Torrens, Mary Frances Hewson
Siblings: Adam James Richard John Torrens, Michael Joseph Peter Torrens
TORRENS, Ralph Merrick (1978-)
Parents: Hugh Simon Torrens, Shirley Ruth Morgan
Siblings: Rebecca Louise Torrens
Married: Alanna ?
TORRENS, Rebecca Louise (1971-)
Parents: Hugh Simon Torrens, Shirley Ruth Morgan
Siblings: Ralph Merrick Torrens
Married: Mark Crumlin
Children: Hugh Crumlin, Paul Crumlin, Lyle Crumlin
TORRENS, Richard John (1943-)
Parents: Robert George Torrens, Margaret Gertrude Campbell
Siblings: Hugh Simon Torrens
Married: Martha Smith, Mary Frances Hewson
Children: Adrian Robert Martin Torrens, Adam James Richard John Torrens, Rachel Carolyne Anitra Torrens, Michael Joseph Peter Torrens
TORRENS, Robert George (1903-1981)
Married: Margaret Gertrude Campbell
Children: Hugh Simon Torrens, Richard John Torrens
UNKNOWN, Alice, [1]
Married: William Peckford
Children: Mary Peckford
Married: William Rew
Married: Joan Mary Campbell

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