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Letter from Robert B Torrens of the Carragh to H Torrance Esq.
3rd Jany 1919
H Torrance Esq
140 Washingtom Building
Los Angeles
Dear Sir
I am in receipt of your letter of the 18th Nov & am sorry to say that as
yet I have been unable to obtain any useful or authentic information
regarding you ancestors in this country. I feel certain however that the
Torrens's now residing in Mayoughill are descended from Thomas or Hugh
(brothers of Jean and of Robert your great grandfather) The man who I
think could help me to prove this has reached a good old age & is now
lying seriously ill, should he recover I will pay him a visit. I suppose
you have no information as to the names of the five children of Thomas
(brother of your great graandfather and of Jean) referred to in the Robt.
letter from Nocaragh dated 3rd May. If you could tell me how many more
sons it would be of assistance to me.
Regarding Jean's husband, I have visited the family in the Carragh whom I
think are directly descended, but the present generation can give me no
You will notice from Robert's letter to his uncle dated 1st May 1804 that
he & another brother and his father lived in Nocaragh not Mayoughill as
stated by you in your previous letter. The present generation are named
John and Alexander (brothers) their father was Robert & grandfather John
and I think their great grandfather (whose christian name I have not
discovered) who was either Robert writer of the letters from Nocaragh to
his uncle in America or his brother. A sister of their father (Robert)
was named Jean, she lived to a ripe old age and passed away about ten
years ago, of course I have no proof that I am right but the similarity
in the family names would point to their being the descendants.
Up to the present I have been unable to pay a visit to any of the old
burying grounds owing to the weather.
We have had a great amount of rain recently & these old graveyards are
in a very bad state of repair so that they are swimming in water in some
places. It will therefore be three or four months hence ere I can hope to
obtain any information from these.
I am greatly interested in your letters & hope to hear from you soon
I am
cordially and sincerely
Robert B Torrens
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