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Robert G Torrence
Hell's Peak Road
Vermont 05148

April 26 1978

Dear Bob

I was sorry to learn of the devastation
last winter brought to your plantings. We
had our own share of problems here with an
average snow cover of about four feet, and
one ten day period in which over sixty inches
of new snow fell. There are still patches of
it on the ground and planting is generally
considered unsafe here until after June 1.

Turning to my father's book, I expect
extracting the portions of interest to you was the
most suitable solution. Following the matter
I mentioned in my letter of 12 January, I have
has the book microfilmed the cost of which
was quite reasonable and will have copy-flos
made for my children. Do let me know should
you change your mind about wanting one. The
cost remains at roughly £100.

I am not inclined to have the book
reprinted as I am sure it would be very
expensive and over the years there have only
been three requests for copies. Printing
as you know, has become out of sight costwise
and I am sure te plates were destroyed long
ago. Not even those of the engravings were among
my father's possessions, which I thought quite

Now to answer your questions. Concerning
Isabel S.T. Henderson, there appears to be no
Genealogical society in the County of Torrance,
California so I have dwawn a complete blank there.
As far Jared Sydney is concerned, if memory
serves me correctly, there was a book on his line and
I believe I have a copy in storage, which of course is
of little help. I believe it was privately published in
Canada. When I am able to bring my goods up here
from New Haven perhaps I can be of help to you.

My father was always frustrated in trying
to link our Northern Ireland ancestry to Lanarkshire.
Every bit of circumstantial evidence was apparent, but
I never knew of any discovery of documentary proof.
In 1948 I carried out some investigations for him
when I was in Scotland with no success. At that
time I visited Torrance Castle and have quite an
extensive 8mm color film coverage of it. At that
time it was unoccupied and pitifully in need of
repair which I gather from what you say has now
been accomplished. I would welcome seeing it again.

Unfortunately my disability makes travel
difficult especially as the relatively positive
immobility of my neck has curtailed my driving, the
thing on which travel is so utterly dependant today.
In fact I have not been out of this small
village of Londonderry since October. When I consider
I used to travel over 150,000 miles in business alone
and drive in the neighbourhood of 25,000, you can
sense the feeling of frustration I experience. Recently
I have been put on a new medication which has
been partially successful in treating some cases
of dystonia. Perhaps it will prove so in mine, but
I am told several months will have to pass before
any effects can be anticipated.

Do let us keep in touch. I enjoy your
letters and just wish I could be of more help
to you.

With kindest personal regards


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© 2002 4QD
Page's Author: Richard Torrens
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First published 14th May 2002.
Last modified: Sun, 29 Dec 2019 12:27:37 GMT