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Dear Bob

Thank you for your card and offer to send me the Kernohan letters.
Which should be very interesting to me and maybe a great help in
my researches.

I am very sorry to learn that your daughter has not improved as much
as expected and I hope that she will soon respond to treatment, whether
general or psychiatric.

I take it that you are too pre-occupied at the moment to take much
interest in the Torrens story, but I have not had any further contacts
from America. I am, however, trying to explore the possibility of
finding some truth in the legend - regarding Robert Bruce - in the
Scottish Libraries.

I look forward to receiving the Kernohan letters and notes and hope
that your troubles will soon be resolved.

Best wishes


R G Torrens

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© 2002 4QD
Page's Author: Richard Torrens
Document URI:
First published 14th May 2002.
Last modified: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 14:08:04 GMT