This site contains a lot of information not only about the various American Torrens Families, but also about the Scots-Irish migration through the north of Ireland. It is linked to a site on Bann Valley genealogy. Together they have much to interest the general genealogist and the social historian.
Two genealogy mailing lists are available:
Available also are the mailing list archives.
Although this site is concerned mainly with genealogy of the Torrens / Torrance / Torrence families (in all its varied spelling) I have tried to write it in such a way that it should be interesting to other genealogists. There are therefore various essays on subjects of general interest.
The families of the Torrens name (and its variations) have been quite well documented: there are two books on the families plus several other collections of data. Both of these books have been transcribed and are available. There are also various trees of Torrens families.
My own interest in genealogy is essentially as an organiser of data so most of the information here is gleaned from elsewhere. I am particularly indebted to my late father (Robert George Torrens (1903 - 1981) who did much of the immediate research of my own branch. Fortunately my father's papers are now in my possession and many (most?) have been transcribed to this site.
The data on site is divided into a number of areas, most of which have their own index: