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Youghal Genealogy
The Richard W Long Letters
247 Centre Street
New York
Dear Jack
Yours of the 26th ulto received this week just as I was about to write father
and it made me change my mind in that respect. To me the matter referred to
seems complicated to a degree entirely unnecessary, that is if I understand
your letter correctly, You open your letter by saying "Boss
and I went to Verlins yesterday about lease.",
Whose lease??
Then you go on to say., "it could not be done on the lines suggested.", What
lines??. Now Jack here is as I understand the situation from your letter.
Bee sold Ivanhoe and with the money she realized
thereon she
paid May Green temporary, with the idea that you would take her place as soon
as you got security in the premises; thus it was that you and Boss went to
Verlins etc. Now if I am correct in my views of your letter here ae my ideas.
If Bee wants to leave her money in the premises and rent to you I will be
satisfied to relieve Bee and take over the mortgage, which Bee now holds, as I
understand it, by reason of her paying Miss Green; then you must certainly be
secured by the premises and I shall be willing be party to securing you in any
such manner, but there is just one point which I think you will hold with me,
it is, I don't like doing anything which will disturb the Boss at this time of
his life and I feel that you will respect his feelings in every possible way,
he of course must be business and fair, but try and avoid any move which may
cause him any unpleasant feelings. Now understand me Jack, and understand me
clearly, I will be party to any agreement to secure Bee or you on any money
which she or you pay out on account of the Green Mortgage and if you frame your
ideas and send them to me I will at once write Father and advise him to agree.
This I think the best plan. I want to make things right for you and at the same
time spare the old mans feelings.
Now then draft out plainly what terms you wants and the conditions put in it
all the Bosses objections, then give me a clear outline and explanation of the
financial situation, for I don't know a think but what you have told me, then I
will at once write Boss and arrange matters to the good will and pleasure of
I will now close as mailing time is up, so adieu.
Love from all here to all there
Affectionately yours
Richard W Long
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Page Information
Page's Author: Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:14:20 BST
First published 16th April 2002.
© 2002 - Sat, 14 Sep 2024 21:46:49 BST Richard John Torrens