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Youghal Genealogy
The Richard W Long Letters
50 Church Street
New York
Apl 7th, 1911
My dear Jack
Yours of 29th ulto to hand yesterday. Glad to see there is one sane one left in
the old Borough; I have had some bully letters from that part of the world
lately, so it is refreshing to read yours.
No Jack I won't come over. You can fully realize, that if my efforts to serve
others interests, and to prevent complications by speaking plainly, and to put
a stop to backbighting (sic), is interpreted as it is, my coming over would
complicate matters altogether, for I would not stand any nonsense, or wrong
interpretation being placed on my words, or secondary meaning placed on my
acts. So Jack I won't come over.
I wrote Bee regarding sending Lil and you for the will.
I did so because Harry
had written me stating that he had asked Bee if she had sent Lil, and Bee told
him thst she had not. You can at once see that this put Lil and you in an
entirely wrong light and position. There was but one way for me to clear Lil
and you, and that was to blame you for your act, to Bee. So I told Bee quoting
from Harry's letter and demanding that she get an explanation from Lil and you.
Needless to say I knew the whole matter before I ever wrote. Well Bee writes
back explaining fully that it was she who made Lil go for the will, and that
Lil merely got you to accompany her to father's office., But Bee goes and shows
this communication to Lil, Lil goes up in the air and fires a letter at me full
of 'Bug house'; That's thanks No.1., Thanks No.2 is a letter from Holmes
accusing me of making Bee ill, andaccusing me of ulterior motives. So Jack
why should I bother my head further. My object was to get the will cleared
up at once. and get everyone what was coming to them at once, and not have
to wait ten ot fifteen years for it, but as they could not appreciate my
efforts. I now say let the Will go through as it is, and let them all wait
for what's coming. I will now let Bee, Sam and Harry clear
it up, I will just sit still and look on. I certainly don't want to be the
cause of trouble, especially where I was not serving my own interests, but
fighting for others.
Now Jack you speak of a statement re the Post office showing a debter charge. I
have run over the statements I have on file and can find no such charge, and
they appear to come down to the time of my severing connection with the
property, however we will straighten this out on business basis when you send
me a copy of the statement and I can compare same with those I have on file.
All I care for at the present is to help Henry Green out, and enable him to get
away so that he can make a living. Do the best ypou can for him, and I shall
appreciate it very much.
I want to say here. A very large percentage of the letters mailed to me fro
Youghal never reach me, so it is possible that some of your letters miscarried.
In closing jack I would like to say, as a brother Mason, that if you should
hear that I have written a queer letter to Joe Holmes just say that you will
believe it when you see it. Joe seems to be a very suspicious chap, I have
never given him any cause, so he might cause some little fuss about my reply.
With regards to Emmie and best love to the wee boy, I am
Affectionately yours
Richard W Long
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Page's Author: Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:14:21 BST
First published 16th April 2002.
© 2002 - 2025 Richard John Torrens