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Youghal Genealogy
The Richard W Long Letters

50 Church Street
New York

Apl 7th, 1911

My dear Jack

In my simple opinion there are more damn fools to the
square inch in this world than there are same people. I just received
yours of the 1st inst and note your report of Greens talking to Joe,
and the consequence. In mine to you of the 7th inst I told you of
receiving a letter from Joe Holmes; I have never said an unkind word
of Joe and was doing my utmost to serve his interest, Bee will tell you
that, but his letter brands him as a class of man too dangerous to
touch. I am perfectly disgusted with him. And then on the face of that,
to think of Green going giving his gutts, when I distinctly cautioned
him to keep his mouth shut, and wrote him in the same confidence as I
wrote you. I appreciate you returning my letter under the circumstances,
as you certainly could not accept it under masonic principles
when Green had given away my confidences in him. Bah its simply

In mine of the 7th inst I said that I had looked through your
statements which I have on file, and could find nothing of a debter
charge. I never knew anything about the charges in your statement.
I never authorised father to collect the rents, or you to pay same to
him. I don't say this unkindly mind you Jack, I am just getting down to
business, so that we may understand the situation. I am not blaming
you Jack when I say that it would have been better had you notified me
of this matter before. You say you sent me the statement before, but
the fact of my not replying thereto must have impressed you with 
the fact that your letter did not reach me. Now Jack Father has
charged me in his will with getting Metz and sundry other matters; so
this is clearly a debt due you by father, and is therefore payable out
of the estate. In other words, legally it would be impossible for you
to collect this account from me under the circumstances, therefore it
is self evident that Father not I is the debtor in the case. Let me
put it another way. You were acting for me, you paid debts for me, but
you allowed someone else to collect the rents. Well to make a long
story short., Just make this statement out and send it to Harry, and
look up the vouchers and be sure and keep them so that is any question
is raised you can produce. I will see that the matter is all right.
Don't sent the statement to Harry for a few days, I shall be writing
him by next mail and I would like him to have my letter before you
present the statement. I will check up your statements again, which I
have on file, but the account is clearly an estate matter and not
against me. Nor does it in any way infringe on the agreement between
you and I you will clearly see that. Well no use our talking further
on the subject, we will put it where it belongs to and see that you get
what is due you.

Now back to Green., I would like you to give Green $150.00
that would be Thirty One pounds (4.84 to the pound), the balance we
will settle later. He has made a complete ass of himself, and I feel
it very keenly this talking to any one when I wrote him in strict
confidence. I tell you Jack these little stupid acts are the things
that make a fellow sick of everyone. I will write him a gentle letter
by this mail, telling him to keep his mouth shut or go plump to hell.
I won't say from whom I got the information, so let him guess for all
he's worth. I repeat, give him $150.00, and we will square the balance
later. Again I say, I will not mention to Green who informed me
of his damn stupidity, so you need not tell him anything.

I started this letter yesterday, but had to give it up and
so am trying now to complete same.

Re my coming over., As already told you in mine of 7th
inst, I won't come over. The new development with Mr. Holmes simply
adds one more reason why I would not go over. You know my disposition
Jack, add to that years in this country, and you will figure out that
I would stand very little nonsense - and take less., So if I were to go
over under present circumstances it would be simply a matter of fighting,
and I don't think I want that game. I am doing my best to get a
decision from Sam, but he moves slow, does not seem to realise the
necessity of clearing things up, nevertheless I feel that in a very short
time things will e straightened out; that is to say, If Sam, Bee and Harry decide on a certain course of action, there is nothing to prevent
the estate to be would up at once. I want to see matters ended just
as fast as possible.

Now Jack I won't say more at this writing, I cannot say how
annoyed I am at Green, but nu use fretting over spilt milk. I you will do what I have asked, we will straighten all out in a very short time.

Hoping to hear again from you soon, I am

Affectionately yours
Richard W Long

In a rush as usual

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Page's Author: Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:14:21 BST
First published 17th April 2002.
© 2002 - 2024Richard John Torrens