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The Richard W Long Letters

Suite 926
18 Broadway
New York

May 19th, 1916

Dear Jack

Yours of March 29th reached me Apl 12th, and by same mail
I received a letter from Harry also; you would have heard from me sooner
but I have been quite  ill, which I will explain later.

Why I wrote my former letter was simply that I personally
don't want to be misunderstood, misquoted, or misrepresented, and it is my
nature to extend to others just the same treatment as I myself like to receive. This I felt that you would appreciate getting the opportunity to
explain a mistake, or if you had been misquoted to have an injustice to you
straightened out; for this reason and for this reason alone I wrote as I
did to Harry; and I told him that if he deemed it fair to you he should
show you the letter. In a word, my letter was written in fairness and
in justice to you, as I am not the kind to harbor an impression which may
not be square to any one.

It is perfectly clear from both yours and Harry's letter,
which I received same day as yours, that he misunderstood your remarks and
as a consequence misquoted you; however you see my object was to get
things straight between Harry, you and myself, and I am perfectly satisfied
from your letter that you appreciate not allowing you to remain under any
doubt. Am further satisfied from your and Harry's letter that you acted
perfectly square in the matter, and the cause of the little misunderstanding
arose entirely out of a misquotation of your words by Harry.

Well Jack, I note you say that you did not hear from all you wrote to. When I read your first letter and saw your plan, I felt that your
efforts, from my experience, would be a failure, yet of course it was not
for me to say so. The whole situation is to me the queerest proposition I
have ever been up against, rather the most stupid piece of business I have
ever heard or read of; you can get no one to do any thing and all are more
interested than you or I.

You suggest that my coming over might help to straighten
matters out. If you review the facts I feel you will alter your opinion
on this point. You know I have no weight with Lillie and her associates,
except by process of Law; as for Bee, outwardly she is not as
antagonistic as Lillie, but I prefer Lillies's antagonism than Bee's silence.
Again Bee, as one of the Trustees has a duty which does not go hand in hand
with silence, Lillie has not. I have hot heard from Bee in six or more months,
and think I am safe in saying that as far as business is concerned I have not
heard from her in almost a year. As for Sam, he and I don't correspond. As
for Gordon, I had not seen him in over a year until he turned up for five
minutes just before Easter; he has been up the country living; I have never
spoken to Gordon on the subject and would not. As for Hugh, I have seen him
once, twice I think, since he came over; I know nothing whatever of him.

Again, even if I could accomplish anything, I could not get a
Passport, without which I could not land over, and without which
I could not  return here. But suppose this difficulty did not exist, why should
I, the smallest interested party under the Will waste my time and money for
a thankless bunch, who won't do anything for themselves. I have never asked
them to dp anything for me. No Jack the suggestion is useless from any angle
you view it from; and thus it is that I have made up my mind to test the
legality of the whole affair as soon as the war will permit, meanwhile if
they all want to amicably adjust the situation - IN THE INTERESTS OF ALL -
they have the oppertunity. I feel that this course is the cleanest way to
clear up Father's affairs and do honor to his memory, and not allow things
to go as they have and are.

This covers fully your letter.

What a wretched time you have been having in poor Ireland.
I had hoped that Ireland had seen her darkest days, and that after the war
a United Ireland would spring up for the good of all; it is possible that
good may come out of evil, and that out of this dark cloud the Sun may shine.
The trouble has caused a great split in the Irish race over here, there are
now three distinct Irish camps, First the Loyalists, second the Redmondites
and Third the class that has always made the Irish race the laughing stock
of the world, and which were so beautifully represented recently in Dublin.
Of course this latter class are that class of Irish that would sell their
country at any time as Judas sold his God; they are the class that sold themselves
to Germany, and they are the only breed of mankind, during the present
war, that have proved traitors. This class over here might mean a third of
the Irish over here; thus of course they represent a big political vote, for
that reason, and for the reason that they are so easily bought and sold, their
cause is taken up by some of the big Politicians. Of course like
in Ireland a number of the Priests are on that side, indeed I notice with
regret that the R.C. Church seems to be turning the situation into capital
for itself. But I want to say this, there are plenty of good Catholic Irish over
here who blush at the situation. I want to say this, the Germans have
become a very hated race over here, but the Irish are held in more contempt
today by the American people. and no one regrets it more than yours
truly. I hope Youghal has not suffered much and that the poor old town
refrained from mixing into the muss. Let us hope that from it all will come

Now a word about my recent experience. I was up calling on
Captain and Mrs Hyde on March 29th, just before starting for home I felt a
little bilious, but thought when I got out in the air and had a chance to
vomit I would be all right. Well Sir I took my departure but when I got in
the air I realized that I was quite drunk as well as being ill, as I
walked to get my car I became more and more intoxicated, so much so that
I was reeling all over the side walk. I quickly got rid of all that was in
my stomach, and when my car arrived I was hanging on to the gas lamp at
the corner of the street in the good old fashioned style. Well I boarded the
car and hung out through the end of it trying to vomit a most peculiar kind
of gas. I had to ride over half an hour on this car before making a transfer,
when I got to the transfer point I was in an absolutely helpless drunken
conditions physically, but mentally free of any effects of the intoxication.
I went up to a policeman and asked him to get me a  doctor quick, he did
so, and when I got landed in a chair in the Dr office I was all in, or in
other words I had no control over a muscle of my body, a perfect case of
complete ptomaine intoxication. Well the Dr called up a hospital and in a
few minutes I was trollied on a stretcher and whisked off in an ambulance
The Dr came along in the ambulance and at the hospital two other Drs and four
nurses got busy, while a couple of orderlies helped me into a cot. Then
the Drs got to work with a stomach pump and washed and washed out my stomach;
this of course had the effect of displacing all gas, and if there was any
kind of poison in my stomach getting it out also, but before they commenced
I told them that my opinion was that the poison was in the entestine
and that I would suggest to clean out the entestines first; but of course
you know every one knows better where the shoe pinches that the wearer, so
the Drs thought best to tackle the stomach. Well after they got through
washing they covered my entire stomach with a mustard poltice, after which
I became very comfortable and was feeling good until next forenoon when the
gas began to exert itself again, then of course they realized that the trouble
was in the entestines, thoroughly washing them out, after which I became normal from ever point. Then for twenty four hours I touched nothing, not
even a drink of water; next day I pulled up fine and the day following
I was brought home and had my own Doctor take hole of me. Whether the journey
home was too much for me, after about five miles, I  cannot say but I do know that
for the following week I grew weaker and weaker; then the turn for the better
cane and the third week I got out for the first time, still suffering from
intoxication and feeling as if I was using some one elses legs. Well the
fresh air did it work and I improved right along, however even yet I cannot
move my head to fast without finding decided traces of the intoxication, but
I feel in time it will pass away. The Drs in the hospital as well as my own
Dr told me that they never saw a worse case of ptomain poison and that they
had grave doubts of my being able to throw off the poison. I got the whole
trouble from eating ONE bite of a bad red herring on the Sunday morning
previous to the attack. The moment that I swallowed that bite I realized
it was bad and fortunately for me did not touch it further. I have gone
into my case in detail as I thought it might interest you or be of use to
you at some time in your business.

Now Jack I must close. I trust you and yours are all
well. Also hope that you and I perfectly understand each other, and that
all times we will not allow each other to lie under any misunderstanding
which plain square talk will remove. Oh by the way. I received your papers
with the account of Doyle v Ronayne case; it was very interesting. Had
Doyle published the facts as facts and not as a scandle he would have won
out and Dr Ronayne would have got it in the neck. Poor "Den".

Again I hope everything is well with you.

Your affectionate Uncle
Richard W Long

PS (in hand script)
Isn't it sad about poor Henry Green's death?

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Page's Author: Richard John Torrens
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Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:14:21 BST
First published 25th April 2002.
© 2002 - 2024 Richard John Torrens