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Re: [Bann Valley] Hello
Hello again Linda,
Is it McFetrich or McFetridge? Both spellings seem intertwined!
> On Sep 3, 2018, at 3:17 PM, Sheelagh <rsheelagh@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Linda,
> Thank you for the info on Rachel Gilmore and the connection to my grandmother. In my notes I had that as a strong possibility, but I’m delighted to have that little mystery solved.
> What other information do you have on the siblings of Thomas McFetridge: James, Alexander,Joseph, and Nancy? I also have a ‘Hugh’ who died as a baby, and a ‘Mary Jane’ born in 1865 (but not sure about her)?
> I have as James McFetridge’s father, Alexander (1789- 1882) who married Jane (Jennet) Torrance (1799-1875). Beyond that I have an uncertain James McFetridge - dates unknown?
> If you could find that old photo of Margaret McFetridge I’d be thrilled as she was my great grandmother! In fact, any old photo with folks identified is wonderful.
> With the Knox’ I have that Thomas Knox (1796-1866) married a Margaret Farly (1799-1859) in 1820. Am I correct about this?
> I have lots of gaps even in the recent McClenaghan history so wherever you can help Linda, it would be most appreciated. I’d love to find out your family connections!
> Kind Regards,
> Sheelagh
>> On Sep 1, 2018, at 3:18 AM, cullycapple@xxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:cullycapple@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hi Sheelagh,
>> My father-in-law was connected to the McFetridges and I have “Blackrock” Boveedy roots so have details on lots of your relatives (McFetridge, Knox, McClenaghan, Torrens).
>> William John McClenaghan married Rachel Gilmore Johnston.
>> * I also haven’t been able to find out where the link to ‘Gilmore’ is with my grandmother’s middle name. I have to think that her grandmother must have been a Gilmore but can’t find a marriage certificate for John McC?!
>> Rachel Gilmore (1862-1941) of Carnrallagh, Aghadowey, married (1894) Thomas McFetridge, son of James McFetridge & Margaret Knox. So, your Rachel Gilmore McFetridge was named after her uncle’s wife. I have an old photo of a Margaret McFetridge with a niece which might be her but will take a while to find it. Possibly also an old snapshot taken in the field at Boveedy with a McClenaghan in it as well.
>> Best wishes, Linda
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