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RE: [Bann Valley] Re: Kilpatrick - of Tamlagh O'Crilly Jane Heaney Stevens b. Aghadowey Parish dec. 22 1864
Thank you for this explanation!
Henry Muggah
From: Richard Torrens (ListMaster) [Listmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: December 19, 2018 4:05 AM
To: BannValley@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Bann Valley] Re: Kilpatrick - of Tamlagh O'Crilly Jane Heaney Stevens b. Aghadowey Parish dec. 22 1864
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"Muggah, Henry" <muggah@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I believe I am a little confused with the addressing of the emails. Is torrens.org a general address that many reply to and upon? I received a response to my original query from cullycapple and yourself. Should I be corresponding individually and omitting the torens.org address?
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