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Re: Comments on 1796 and all
On 05 Apr, Lavonne Bradfield <lavonne@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> You wrote:
> You tried to index all the names. I would tend to do a name count and
> analysis. More interesting!
> Answer: Do what you like. I HATE to look for things, names, keys,
> whatever. I like things to have a place so I can find them. That is
> why I made the index. I also wanted to cross reference the later
> visitations
As far as the www is concerned, one needs to put data up so it's of
maximum interest and use. Difficult as one gets so little critical
But as you gathered - I've got quite into names and naming patterns, so a
statistical sanalysis (all done by the computer) can be quite informative.
> You wrote:
> Re publishing it. Where do you want it to reside? I need to use it
> heavily
> with the Bann Valley list/site but it matters not where in the world it
> is, provided I know if/when its URL changes so I can relink.
> Answer: Again, it needs to be placed where it does the most good and
> that in in the Bann Valley site.
A 'site' need not have a single physical location. Pages can be split
between as many sites as suits.
> I am hoping as you are that we can get
> more information on our Torrence line. You will being the frames which I
> basically have no knowledge of. Plustyou have the computher knowledge
> that I do not have.
It's not particularly about computer knowledge. It's about writing and
about presentation on a medium that is different to paper. The www needs a
different frame of mind to paper. But it helps if you have a computer you
can use rather than fight.
> I also would like to have information for the
> Kennedy surname but there is no one out there looking for Kennedys in
> Londonderry.
That's the sort of situation where a site in conjunction with the Bann
Valley list could attract any future contacts.
> I guess that we would take that information from my site and make a link
> to yours. What do you think?
This really depends on you. Two people working together can accomplish
more than two singly - depending on how they 'mesh'. If we're going to do
that it will take time to establish a pecking order and know what we dan
say to each other without causing offence!
> You wrote:
> Come to that - you have more general info on the Bann Valley generally
> that anyone else. Do you want to get involved with the Babb Valley list
> &
> site?
> Answer: I am not that familiar with townlands and family lines except
> the information from Garvagh. If I could be of help I would. I can't
> see that I would be.
You have more data than anyone else. That sort of puts you im the hot seat
if that's where you wish to be.
> You wrote:
> . The Bann Valley thing is the start of the trap!
> Answer: Agreed
> I have not looked at the rest of the visitation you sent. I will do
> that tomorrow and get back with you.
> In time I will be getting the births & marriage records from First
> Garvagh.
> While we were there we should have copied the stones at the old First
> Garvagh located behind the library. Maybe somebody that is nearby can
> do that. There are not that many there.
> One other point I noticed in skimming through your latest addition: The
> Driss. The "ps" written that way stands for "ss". I have seen that
> many times here. I also found the surname Driss in an Irish surname
> book. I had not heard of the name before so I did some research on it.
> Drislane"A rare Co. Cork name derived from dris, briar
Noted, but not yet acted on. More follows.
Richard Torrens - torrens@xxxxxxxxx
Torrens families Genealogical site http://www.4qd.co.uk/torrens/
Torrens Mailing list: to join, click on the link below.