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In the 1970s my late father, Robert George Torrens was in touch with D. Richard Torrance, then of 76 Findhorn Place, Edinburgh, EH9 2NW, who was researching the name Torrence in the available Scottish records. D. Richard Torrance was a professional genealogy researcher who spent many hours studying the various records to try and connect back the various Torrens lines. He gave my father his notes on the name Torrens/Torrance/Torrence which have been reproduced here.

These old records show a large number of Torrens/ence/ance families around 1500 - 1600 and it proved impossible to connect even these, so although many think the name is rare enough that we alll must connect (see Origin of the surname Torrens) the name has at least two (probably more) origins and connection is impossible - even if a time machine does get invented!

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First published Saturday the 22nd of August, 2015
Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:14:04 BST
© 2007-2025 Richard John Torrens.